
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

End of year reflections 2020

 This year for school it started off quite good but then Covid-19 started getting worse and we had to go into lock down and stay home for maybe three months, we did school using google meets this also meant we had more time without school and reading was my favourite subject over lock down. This is because during reading we read a chapter of harry potter and the philosophers stone and did a kahoot about it each day. The next big event over the year was definitely when we needed to use sanitizer everyday when we entered and exited school. Then we had 3 days of camp during this we did animal survival where we learnt about our native animals there was also swimming zip lines trampolines and even mini golf!!! Later in the school year (term 4, recently) we had top team! At top team the year 0-3's did their's in the morning and the year 4-6's had theirs in the afternoon I am a year five so I was with the year 4-6's. We did nine different activities and there was 18 groups, as you can probably guess there was two teams at a challenge. 

Here is some photos 

Top Team 2020

Lats week on friday we had top team. For top team we got into I think 18 different teams, this wasn't the whole school it was separated by year 0-3 first and then year 4-6 last. There was a bunch of challenges and my favourite was the one where you throw the gumboot at the target. Overall top team was fun challenging and very tiring.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Camp 2020

For the past three days we have been at camp. My favourite part of camp was animal survival where there was four different teams and we had to be carnivores or herbivores and we had to survive and collect these stamp things kinda like orienteering. The most challenging thing at camp was definitely the walk there. At the beginning of camp I felt energetic and excited... at the end I felt like I could just go to bed. At camp I learnt about our native animals and what its like to be one when we played animal survival because I was a wry bill. 

Here's a picture:

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Penguin Origami - Reading

 Today for reading we did penguin origami because we have been doing emperor penguin related topics recently. First we had to colour in one side completely black (serious dedication required), then make a whole bunch of different folds actually only about six but the colouring bit made it feel like a lot. (Also the picture is of mine and Cole's penguins, mine is the darker black one

Here's a picture:

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Emperor penguin D.L.O

  Today for reading I made a D.L.O about Emperor penguins including facts and a picture. I personally think Emperor penguins have an interesting life cycle so I included it in my D.L.O. Look at the D.L.O below to find out all the facts I included in it.