
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Jupiter Information Report - Writing

 This week and last week for writing we have been doing information reports on planets. It was very fun to write this information report because I got to learn new things about the planet Jupiter. This was challenging because before this I didn't know much about Jupiter so thanks to this I now know a lot. If you have done something like this tell me in the comments.

Here it is:

Jumbo Jupiter!


Did you know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in our whole solar system!?

Jupiter is one of our gas giants in our solar system just like Saturn & Uranus. If Jupiter was about 80x bigger than it is it could have been a star! Jupiter is one of the biggest objects in our solar system. Jupiter has 69, 911 km across in some places making it absolutely gigantic.


Jupiter is bigger than all the planets combined in mass. It is the largest planet in our solar system. You could fit around 1,000 jupiters in our sun. Jupiter is home to the largest moon in our solar system named ganymede. Jupiter is 11 times wider than earth.


Jupiter is home to the great red spot. Which is actually a giant storm which has been raging on Jupiter's surface. Jupiter is often an orangey yellow colour with the occasional spot of red which are storms. Sometimes Jupiter has different shaped storms because they don’t always stay in the same spot. Jupiter looks very small in our sky but that is because we are so far away. 

What's it made of?

Jupiter is made of gases just like Saturn and some other planets. Some of the gases it contains are hydrogen and helium. You can’t stand on the surface of Jupiter because it is gas. Gas is slightly see through and you go straight through it. Jupiter's atmosphere holds all the gas in place so it just doesn’t all disappear and float away.


In conclusion, Jupiter is a very fascinating planet and lots about it has been discovered but I believe there is much more to be uncovered. Jupiter is one of the most interesting planets because of the storms & that it's a gas giant. Do you think Jupiter is as interesting as I do, because it definitely is.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Digital Pixel Art 3 - Maths

 Today for maths we did another digital pixel art and today's one was a trophy. It was fun to do all of the questions. They were multiplication only today. It was very easy to speed through all the multiplication questions. The pixel art was satisfying to watch appear.

Here it is: 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Student Summit 2021 - Uru Manuka Cluster

 Today we went to the Uru Manuka cluster student summit! Our school presented codey rocky and for session 1 & 2 me, Phoenix & Cole presented. We had 16 people in total from our school. I was presenting for the first two sessions so I only did the 2 activities they were make a quiz with google forms and the second one was boosting biteable. It was fun to learn new things that I haven't done before. My biteable was unfinished but if you would like to do my quiz (its very small) about board games & online games it will be beside the photos. When we presented how to use the codey rockys it was fun to walk around helping everyone to learn about using them. We also have some photos.

Here they are:

JPEG Image

Monday, June 21, 2021

Digital Pixel Art 2 - Maths

 Today for maths we did a pixel art for maths. It was fun to do as when we answered them right a few pixels appeared and slowly it formed a picture. This pixel art turned into a sad face. It was not very challenging at all because this one is an addition and subtraction. 

Here it is: 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Brain Teaser - Maths

Today for maths we did a brain teaser on basic picture algebra. It was very confusing and when you see it you will probably be very confused on how its hard but spend a long time looking at all the features of the bananas and coconuts. This was fun trying to recognise the fruits amount and believe it or not the bananas vary!? 

Here it is:

Digital Pixel Art - Maths Brain Teaser

 Today we did a digital pixel art for maths and we had to answer a series of questions, if we got it right a green light would appear but pixels would also appear if it was right, if you got it wrong it would go red and no pixels would appear. When we finished it was an emoji with star glasses!

Here it is: