
Friday, May 29, 2020

Hub assembly! - Raupo assembly

Today we had a hub assembly in Punui-O-toka. 
There was  a few different prizes they were Librarian badges for librarians, wristbands for reaching 50 tickets, certificates for people who did well in lockdown for our online meets & there was 3 hero certificates. Since there is moist breath zone we couldn't do singing like usual (because people would breath on eachother).
(no photos)

Friday, May 15, 2020

Harry potter follow up activities - Reading

Today for Reading we did harry potter follow up activities, one of the activities was Tower of terror where i build up conflicts starting with not bad ones and the higher it gets the worse it gets.
I found the You vs Character activity the hardest & The potter personification the easiest
Here it is

Distance writing book - Writing

This week for writing we have been doing a Distance Writing Book that is why i haven't done any other writing blogs this week. I found the six sentence story the hardest thing because you had to fit a story into six sentences, and i found the list 10 things you can see out your window really easy.
Some of the activities were write a bubble profile for the people that are in your bubble, create a list of things you did in your bubble A-Z & favourite recipe where we copy our favourite recipe or one that you have done during lockdown or you want to do during lockdown e.g cupcakes.
Here it is

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

PIC-LITS - whats this Wednesday

Today for Whats this Wednesday, we used a website called PIC-LITS and then on this website we choose a picture, after we have chosen we drag some words from the bottom of the page.
I chose this big Grey ball with loads of lines spiraling around it
Here it is

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Chapter 17 2nd half The Man With Two Faces - Reading

Today for reading we did our final quiz for chapter 17 The Man With Two Faces. This one had more similar questions to the last 16 quizzes.
And i even did a harry potter name generator i'm evil in harry potter by the looks of things
Here they are

Kea hea? Where? - te reo tuesday

Today for Te Reo Tuesday we did another activity themed on Roto Waho Runga Raro but with 2 new ones there as well the are Muri and Mua
Here it is

Monday, May 11, 2020

Harry Potter chapter 17 The Man With Two Faces 1st half - Reading

Today we read the first half of harry potter chapter 17 The Man With Two Faces After that we did a padlet where we had to write our favourite part of the chapter we had read so far, After we had finished that we clicked on a link and it took us to a website that had a harry word find where we had to find 10 words themed on harry potter. Then we got to get sorted into a house at hogwarts i got ravenclaw.
Here is my work

Tanagrams - Make something Monday

Today for make something Monday we had to use tangrams to make something today we had to make one of the examples and then something else (not an example).
Here it is

Friday, May 8, 2020

Daily basic facts - Prototec

Every morning i do my basic facts on Prototec and then i put them in a slide i started on stage 6 but then moved onto stage 7 and im getting better and better every time.
Here is today's one
And here is the rest of them

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Chapter 15 The Forbidden Forest - Reading

Today for reading we did another quiz (harry potter) and it was themed on chapter 15!!
no big surprise there as the last one was chapter 14.
Here it is

Quality blog posts - Writing

Today we did an activity where we had a slide and it had 5 different blogs on it then we went on to each one and then once we had read it watched video etc we used a traffic light system to rate different things the blog had didn't have almost had using green, yellow & red. and on the last slide we could go on a blog we liked and rate that one, put a picture on the slide & link that picture to The blog.

Here it is

Truth or Lie Pixton - Writing

Today for Writing we did our 3rd Pixton comic this time themed on truth or lie? (is that a Truth or Lie?)
I think this is my best comic yet because i know what most of the functions do actions expressions etc
Here is a link to Pixton 
This is a list of things we need to include in our comics
-Must have at least 2 characters
-There must be dialogue (conversation)
-Use speech marks for dialogue
-Keep the theme linked to prehistoric time
-You must have between 4-8 panels
-Use capital letters and full stop, exclamation marks etc
-Use different panels, expressions and actions

Here it is

Dinosaurs Pixton - Writing

Today for Writing we did another pixton but not the same theme (bucket list) It is Dinosaurs!!
Here is what we had to have in our comic
-Must have at least 2 characters
-There must be dialogue (conversation)
-Use speech marks for dialogue
-Keep the theme linked to prehistoric time
-You must have between 5-10 panels
-Use capital letters and full stop, exclamation marks etc
-Use different panels, expressions and actions

Here it is!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Calendars - Math

Today for Math we had to do a slide filled with questions about calendars
Here it is

Chapter 14 Norbet the Norwegian Ridgeback

Today we did another harry potter quiz (Said this before about 12 times)
Here it is

My bucket List - Writing

Today for writing i used a comic maker called pixton and we did it on our bucket list, a bucket list is a list of stuff you ant to do in your life like go to Antarctica or eat black ice-cream. I wanted to be a millionaire, so i added three characters and it turned out pretty good. We had to have at least three scenes and six max.
Here it is

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Chapter 13 Nicholas Flamel

Today we did another quiz (running out of stuff to type) There were truth and false what did harry overhear Quirrell and snape saying after the Quiddich match.
Here it is

Kei Hea? Where - Te Reo Tuesday!

Today For Te Reo Tuesday we learnt about under above outside inside and then we had to drag a book to where the sentence said e.g Kei roto te pukapuka i te pouaka the book is inside the box.
Here it is

Monday, May 4, 2020

chapter 12 the mirror of Erised - reading

Today we did another quiz (sigh) and this one was pretty similar to the other ones, truth or false, what is harry thinking about. It had some hard and some easy questions (there is only 5 more of these to go) sorry about not writing much its because I've already said most of it before
Here it is

pixel pictures - Make something monday

Today for make something Monday we were looking at perimeters and we had to make a pizel picture using Area Perimeter Explorer we had to make it simple but mine isn't that simple. Perimeters are the outside of something and the area is just the inside
Here it is

What is the perimeter of the sun? Leave a comment
to tell me your guess :D

Elapsed time - math

Today for maths i did elapsed time on maths and there were some things that i didn't understand e.g
someone got on the bus at 00:00 and got off at 00:00 so how long did it take for them to get to their stop, but i found start at this time and end at this time how long has passed pretty easy.
Here it is

Friday, May 1, 2020

Harry potter chapter 11 Quidditch - reading

Today we did another harry potter quiz thing and in this one it had questions like harry ron and hermione have suspicions of Snape why? and what clues do they have?
and i am starting to run out of stuff to say soon i might start saying the exact same sentences over and over again
Here it is