
Friday, September 25, 2020

Calendar Art - Kandinsky Circles

 For calendar art this term I chose Kandinsky circles. We were doing silhouettes on our paintings, I chose a cactus for my silhouette. Kandinsky circles we need a piece of paper and we paint circles and it would be good if you had a faint line so you can tell what size the circles will be otherwise they might too big or too small. I finished mine yesterday, but I am blogging it today.

Here it is:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Term 3 technology - Food (muesli bars)

Term 3 Technology - Food!

For Technology in the food group we have been making a big project to do with muesli bars. During this project we got into groups of 3, which was me Tyler.Re and Logan. We made up a name Crate but in the end we changed it to triple J because yeah crate wouldn't really work. Triple J was a good name but our food we only even made our food yesterday afternoon. Our recipe contained Peanut butter, chocolate (drizzled on top), strawberry's, coconuts & oats.

Triple J!! 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Plastic straws alternatives research - Reading debates

For the past week for reading we have been doing plastic straw alternatives, some other types apart from plastic are metal and paper. I did these 4 straws: Metal, silicone, bamboo & paper.

Here it is

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Riders Describe A Moment In Time - Writing

This week for writing we have been doing a describe a moment in time (i have done one before). This one was about some people riding in a canoe through a swamp, I titled mine The Riders because they are riding in the canoes. We had to plan the story and then we had to write a hook, once we had finished that we had to write three body paragraphs, when we had finished that as well as our hook we wrote our conclusions. After this long process we self-checked, partner-checked & teacher checked. Then we went on to write a blog post like this one.

Here it is

Ripple, ripple goes the water as the canoe glides through it. Some of the riders are paddling and some have their hands dangling in the water. Light comes through an opening in the canopy of trees allowing the riders to see their reflections in the depths of the water.

The riders paddle their canoes down the deep brown murky river. Some light is visible through the trees and it helps the riders to navigate. Plants are floating on the surface of the water, and trees are going off in all different directions of a small island. One canoe drifts off into the distance and the other canoe speeds up to keep it in view. The trees are blocking most of the light up ahead and soon there is barely any at all, but the canoeist carry on like it's perfectly bright even though it's not.

The water splashes as some of the people put their hands into the water. The water is rippling as the canoes glide down the swamp. Birds are tweeting and singing and frogs are croaking at the riders as they glide through the murky water. The riders are silent even though everything around them is making sounds including the water and creatures around them. Leaves on the trees rustle making it seem like there is something shaking them, although there is nothing but the wind. 

The people dip their hands into the water and they can feel the water splashing onto their arms. As some of the people paddle they can feel the current pushing against them. The riders can feel the smooth wood of the canoe when they touch it. As the canoe slowly drifts past the plants the riders outstretch their hands to touch them. The riders canoes speed through the swamp and when the riders stretch their hands out they can touch trees, plants and even dirt from the island. 

The riders finally hear the soft clunk of the canoe hitting the island. The riders reach their final destination completing their voyage. They feel happy. They feel complete.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Metaphors - Writing mini lesson

 Today for writing we were doing a mini lesson about metaphors. Metaphors are similar to similes (previous mini lesson) Metaphors don't use like or as but the compare something. First we had to type in the meaning of some given metaphors then we had to make up our own similes for some pictures.

Here it is

Monday, September 14, 2020

maori greetings and feelings - Te Reo Maori

Today for Te reo maori we made a video with a Maori greeting, feeling, & a farewell. I was away during the first one so I did one today with Kaisa, We had to greet each other ask each other how were feeling and farewell on the video.

Here it is

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Similes - writing mini lesson

Today for our writing mini lesson we were doing similes. We were to go on a document and put a simile into a sentence similes always use like or as but if as is at the start but not in the middle its not a proper simile its a regular sentence.
Example: The bullet streaked through the air as if it were lightning.

Here it is:

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

WONDERous portrait - Reading

Lately for reading we have been reading wonder which is a book and a movie, its about a kid who looks different to other people and gets teased about it. on this website we were able to design a portrait and we had to choose our face ears accessories etc.

Here it is

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Show dont tell - Writing

Today for our mini lesson we had to get a bunch of photos and describe the pictures emotion with out mentioning it in the sentence. There were 5 and the emotions were Annoyed, bored, shy, surprised & happy.

Here it is