
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Lockdown Algebra 3 - Maths

 Today for maths we did algebra again but this time we were learning to figure out the missing number in algebraic patterns. This was medium challenging for me because I found it fun to do this since this was the first form of algebra I learnt how to do. I hope we do more of this because so far this has been my favourite type of algebra. If you have done anything similar or even basically the same tell me in the comments and I will try to reply.

Here it is:

Friday, August 27, 2021

Lockdown Algebra 2 - Maths

 Today for maths we did another fun algebra activity. Our goal today was to learn less and greater than using arrows and also equal. This was fun because I personally enjoy algebra and enjoy figuring out the patterns. Just like the last algebra lesson I found this quite confusing at first then remembered what to do then it transformed into quite easy. If you have done any work like this recently or before tell me below in the comments.

Here it is

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lockdown Algebra - Maths

This week for maths in lockdown we did algebra. We were focusing on patterns and number rules. I enjoyed this because algebra really challenges me. We used to do these sheets every week of algebra and we would keep going but eventually we stopped. This was a bit challenging because at first I had almost forgotten how to do algebra but in the end I remembered what to do. Have you done anything like this cause if you have let me know in the comments!

Here it is:

Friday, August 6, 2021

Place Value Basic Strategy - Maths

 Today I made a screencastify of how to do place value which is one of the most basic maths strategy's for multiplication. This was fun to make and record, on the side of the video there is a step by step instruction on how to do it with some tips. It is quite simple for beginners. 

Here it is:

Hip Hop D.L.O - Inquiry

The past week for inquiry we have been doing the topic dance (the theory behind dance not the actual thing). We have learnt about hip hop, which falls under the street dancing branch. This was fun to do because we got to learn about hip hop and I like to make D.L.O's about activities. This was kinda challenging because we had to find out a bit of our own information like for the timeline I put in mine.

Here it is:

My classroom Activity - Te Reo Maori

 Today I finished my labelling the classroom activity which we did for Te Reo Maori. This was fun because I got to use my knowledge of objects and colours in Te Reo Maori. This was also quite challenging if I didn't know the correct vocabulary. If you have done something like this tell me in the comments (I will try to reply).

Here it is:

Digital Pixel Art 5 - Maths

 Today we did our fifth pixel art, and today it was a volleyball/ netball (couldn't tell which, if you know comment which). This was a fun pixel art because it was division and multiplication. It was harder than just multiplication but was still very easy. It was a very fun thing to do because each answer made more and more pixels appear.

Here it is:

Getting Hooked - Writing Mini Lesson

 Today and yesterday for writing we did a mini lesson about hooks we had to write hooks about different pictures in multiple styles. This was fun because I like to hook the readers in with a good hook. This was slightly challenging because I had to write multiple styles that I might not use very much. I hope we do more mini lessons like this one because it was quite fun to do.

Here it is:

Monday, August 2, 2021

Digital Pixel Art (we did this one already 🤔🙄) - Maths

 Today we did the same pixel art we did a while ago so here's the TOTALLY legit blurb (not copied from last blog post)  Today for maths we did another digital pixel art and today's one was a trophy. It was fun to do all of the questions. They were multiplication only today. It was very easy to speed through all the multiplication questions. The pixel art was satisfying to watch appear.

Here it is: