
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Week 2 activity 2 day 1 Rights and wrongs

Today i had to find out how many years until i am 25? i had to work it out using maths questions here is mine.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Week 1 Day 2 activity 1

Today i was comparing Amelia Earhart to Jean Batten i did a Venn diagram I looked at websites that had information about them and fount out some information here is the Venn diagram.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

SLJ week 1 activity 3 scaling new heights

Today i had to choose a charity to look at and read their website. I chose the SPCA a charity that looks after all types of animals, my Auntie works at the SPCA looking after foster kittens and fosters them out and looks after them at her house. I adopted a kitten from the SPCA here is a photo of my kitten and underneath that is a photo i found on their website

Thursday, December 19, 2019

SLJ week 1 day 1 exploring the world

today i thought of 10 non perishable foods that would last three weeks there was no fridge or freezer so i made a slideshow of 10 non perishable foods here it is

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Roald dahl 5 made up words! SlJ teaser week

Today for the summer learning journey teaser week i did an activity where you made up five words i added meanings as well sort of doing what Roald dahl does with making up words! here is mine

Thursday, December 5, 2019

How to tell if something is a scam or fake phishing

we are looking at fake websites and real websites we found out about a tree octopus hoax where there was an endangered species called tree octopuses we were supposed to find three facts about a tree octopus but then we didn't know it was fake so i was surprised when i read one of the facts the tree octopus is a hoax created in 1998 by Lyle zapato

here are some facts to keep you safe online

  1.  if a website has a lock symbol and then https:// it is a secure website.
  2.  if it has a triangle and a exclamation mark inside it is insecure.
  3.  if an email reffers to you as a friend but they don't call you by your real name they are an imposter
  4. make sure there is no spaces in between the https:// 
here is images of a real website

Friday, November 22, 2019

Kenning of kitty!!

Today for homeroom time we were making a kenning about our favorite animal for me that is a kitty! it took me a long time but i finished here is mine!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fake Dream Destination

Today in cyber smart we had to make a photo of us at our dream destination i did the Eiffel tower we used and we tried to make it look realistic by making it so that we were standing on the ground here is mine!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


today at homeroom time we were doing timetables not the math one but like when trains leave timetable we had to write how long it would take to get from one destination to the other one here is mine

Friday, October 25, 2019

Days of the week in Maori -jigsaw planet here is my puzzle for our work

this week for te reo maori we had to make a puzzle with a image on the Days of the week in maori here is the link for creating your own puzzles

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

zones of regulations green, blue, red, yellow

this week for zones of regulations we were making a copy of a sheet that had the zones of regulations on it and filling it out (they were separate). here are mine

leave a comment and i will reply

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The colour who wouldn't rhyme - literacy

for literacy we had to make a poem on book creator or google docs i made mine about two colors who would not rhyme here it is

The colour who wouldn’t rhyme

There was blue who knew he rhymed with glue
There was red who was as soft as a bed
There was Yellow who was nice and mellow
Green who was angry and mean
Pink who liked a sink
But orange and purple were left out 
Were as angry as a spout
They asked and requested
But they knew they were bested
The red noticed and decided 
That they should be rhymed
He told orange that he rhymed with dorange
And he told purple that she rhymed with murple
They were happy


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Days of the week in Maori !!! -powtoon

this week we had to make a powtoon google drawing biteable or something else. We were trying to show little kids the days of the week in Maori. Click the link to see it.

Monday, September 23, 2019

3 Ways i can be a bucket filler!!

Today at homeroom time we had to make a google drawing with three ways we could fill someones bucket, here is mine. We also had to make our own image with one of the ways we had chosen mine were Give people a smile, Use my manners & Let people join the game. It was actually quite fun.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

cyber safety!! -powtoon

this week we had to make an activity about cyber safety with four tips to stay safe online. You could do canva, powtoon & biteable i chose powtoon. It took quite a long time but i finished here is the link if you want to see it 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

This is what i think a teacher looks like -literacy

Today we had to draw a teacher and then write what are ideas were for it mine were: baldi, Miss williamson, Mrs Mc Guinniety, a bully & a bad guy here is a photo of what i did.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Making our hands

In class we had to make a hand with five ways we could calm down if we got mad or annoyed we also had to write our name in the middle. Once we had done that we coloured it in it was fun but it also took a long time this is mine

Friday, September 13, 2019

Nest eggs -maths strand

this week for maths strand we have been doing an activity called nest eggs we had to draw a graph and answer 3 questions and draw a different type of graph to show the summer version here is my finished work oops with the photos though

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pluto is alive

Today we had to make a poster about Pluto. Since Pluto isn't a planet it's a dwarf planet we made posters about it

Friday, August 9, 2019

Mission to Mars

we were challenged to research and plan a mission to Mars. We watched Nasa videos. We read lots of articles about space travel and Mars. -We learnt what humans would need to surviveon Mars.

This is my groups plan of how we would survive on Mars

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

make and create the decimal numbers -maths

this week we had this game to play with a dice with decimal numbers on it and we had to answer questions by drawing the decimal on a whiteboard there was quite a few to do but i finished here is what i did


Saturday, July 13, 2019

UM learning journey activity 5

One of the activitys for the learning journey was to find out what was everyone's favourite sea creture i did a presentation annd this is the slideshow i did for the activity.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Monday, July 8, 2019

um learning jouney activity 17

This is an acrostic poem we had to do it about an animal and write it down like below. I did a tiger and these are the words i wrote about a tiger.

Tracking its prey to get food

Inching towards its prey

Getting tired and going to sleep

Eating loads of food all day

Roaring as loud as an explosion

Sunday, July 7, 2019

um learning journey - Activity 2

I would rather have fur as soft as a chinchilla because the fur would be soft and smooth where a porcupine has sharp quills which means that no one will go near you because of your quills. The fur would make sleep easy like you could just snuggle the fur where if you had quills you would constantly poke yourself probably. That is why I would rather fur as soft as a chinchilla than quills like a porcupine.

Friday, July 5, 2019


today we made maps with graph paper we had to draw a island and then dots on the island and labeling them and adding drawings and colouring it in.Then we had to draft instructions and then put them on cards to lead other people to the treasure this is my map that i did.


this week we have been doing a lot about matariki brcause it was this week that we did it for maths and literacy. Most of the work was about the seven sisters and we did most of the work in literacy but there was a bit of work in maths which was about polygons the work in literacy was to do with animations of retelling the story of the seven sisters of matariki these are some images of the work i have done they are both different to eachother the topics are also different because retelling is different from making polygons.

literacy images

maths images

Monday, July 1, 2019

The seven stars of matariki -maths

Today we looked at a photo of matariki and the other stars wen had to find hidden shapes in it there was hardly any but i completed it.I found three different shapes in the photo other people found more but thats how much i found. It was called a polygon and it meant you found shapes in an image of different points like stars for example which was what we were doing there was lots of different shapes inside but i found these ones.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Broken Rock, paper, scissors

this week we have been writing a story about a clip we watched it was about a Scissor  person a Paper person and a Rock person we were making it like we were one of the three characters and wrote what they had as their view this is my writing enjoy -Lucas. S

First, I popped out of a pile of rocks and looked over a ledge. I saw a garden of flowers that were all different colours. It looked like a happy place. Around the flowers was a wooden fence, enclosing the garden from the forest and the animals that could destroy them.

I saw the paper person in the field of flowers, dancing and helping them grow. She wore
a skirt made of paper and a crown made of flowers of all different colours, on her head, she looked beautiful.

Suddenly, I heard trees getting cut down. I looked into the distance and saw the scissor guy approaching the paper person at a terrific speed. He was cutting down everything that stood in his way.

I leant forward, a bit to far, as the rock under my hand crumbled off. This caused me to fall down towards the paper person. I tumbled down and crashed into the fence, with my head. Luckily, my head was made of rock so it did nothing at all.

She climbed over the fence towards me I got up and looked her in the eye. I pointed towards the trees and motioned for her to come with me. I grabbed her hand and tryed to pull her but my hand crumbled so I let go just as we heard the sound of cutting, so she agreed to come.

we ran but we came up against a dead end...

The scissor guy approached standing on flowers as he walked, towards us which made the paper person get so angry that she charged at him but he simply cut her in half knocking her to the side. I ran to the paper person but was ambushed on my way by the scissor guy.

I punched him away as hard as I could sending him a far distance from me, then I jumped as high as I could and punched as hard as I could exactly where the scissor guy was standing, the force of the punch smashed him into bits. Which scattered everywhere on the ground.

I ran to the paper person and picked her up my arms my hands crumbled but i didn’t care I carried her for what seemed like miles. Until I reached a comfy leaf I lay her on the leaf as I fell crumbling to the ground in bits.
By Lucas sumpter

Friday, June 14, 2019

Caarpillar shoes

today we did an activity that was based on the clip and story catarpillar shoes there was a few activities one of them was to design a pair of shoes for the catarpillar.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


  this week for work the teacher gave us the task of making a story that was like a poem but also extended each time i chose just a poem other people chose the other option hope you like it

There once was a fox who lived in a box he liked fiddling with
locks and loved clocks the box was on the docks surrounded by

The fox had a game called roblox that he played in the box on
the docks surrounded by rocks

The fox had a friend that was an ox which liked the fox and
occasionally came to the box to say hi to fox and fox liked ox.

they played roblox so much just fox vs ox it was fun even in the
tiny box at night they would get out of the box over the rocks and
shut down roblox as fox said goodbye to ox.

The next morning it was fox and ox that went over the rocks sat
down in the box and play roblox just fox and ox.