
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

End of year reflections 2020

 This year for school it started off quite good but then Covid-19 started getting worse and we had to go into lock down and stay home for maybe three months, we did school using google meets this also meant we had more time without school and reading was my favourite subject over lock down. This is because during reading we read a chapter of harry potter and the philosophers stone and did a kahoot about it each day. The next big event over the year was definitely when we needed to use sanitizer everyday when we entered and exited school. Then we had 3 days of camp during this we did animal survival where we learnt about our native animals there was also swimming zip lines trampolines and even mini golf!!! Later in the school year (term 4, recently) we had top team! At top team the year 0-3's did their's in the morning and the year 4-6's had theirs in the afternoon I am a year five so I was with the year 4-6's. We did nine different activities and there was 18 groups, as you can probably guess there was two teams at a challenge. 

Here is some photos 

Top Team 2020

Lats week on friday we had top team. For top team we got into I think 18 different teams, this wasn't the whole school it was separated by year 0-3 first and then year 4-6 last. There was a bunch of challenges and my favourite was the one where you throw the gumboot at the target. Overall top team was fun challenging and very tiring.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Camp 2020

For the past three days we have been at camp. My favourite part of camp was animal survival where there was four different teams and we had to be carnivores or herbivores and we had to survive and collect these stamp things kinda like orienteering. The most challenging thing at camp was definitely the walk there. At the beginning of camp I felt energetic and excited... at the end I felt like I could just go to bed. At camp I learnt about our native animals and what its like to be one when we played animal survival because I was a wry bill. 

Here's a picture:

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Penguin Origami - Reading

 Today for reading we did penguin origami because we have been doing emperor penguin related topics recently. First we had to colour in one side completely black (serious dedication required), then make a whole bunch of different folds actually only about six but the colouring bit made it feel like a lot. (Also the picture is of mine and Cole's penguins, mine is the darker black one

Here's a picture:

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Emperor penguin D.L.O

  Today for reading I made a D.L.O about Emperor penguins including facts and a picture. I personally think Emperor penguins have an interesting life cycle so I included it in my D.L.O. Look at the D.L.O below to find out all the facts I included in it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sharks D.L.O - Reading

 Today for reading I made a D.L.O about sharks including facts and a picture. I personally think that sharks are more harmed by humans than humans are by sharks. Look at the D.L.O below to find out all the facts I included in the D.L.O.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Possum D.L.O - Reading

Yesterday for reading we did a D.L.O about possums. This included multiple facts about them. If you want to find out the facts and skip the post just look at the bottom. We did a lot of research and read I think 3 stories. 

Here's my D.L.O

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Sea Turtles To Inform - Writing

 For the past week in writing we have been writing to inform texts. In these we have to inform stuff about the topic and for me it was sea turtles. Mine included appearance, habitat, diet/food & protection. If you want to know about sea turtles read this text!!

Save The Sea Turtles


Do you like sea turtles? Because they don't like us, this is because people hunt them and we need to stop it!



Sea turtles have a tough shell that is mostly the reason they are hunted. Sea turtles have four flippers, wings whatever you want to call them poking out of their shell. The head of the sea turtle pokes right out the front and has a beakish like mouth. People hunt sea turtles for their shells and even eggs.


Sea turtles live in almost every ocean basin throughout the world. They often live among coral reefs and seaweed. Sea turtles live among fish and other creatures. Unfortunately their habitats are being destroyed by humans. Sea turtles are often disappearing from their habitats thanks to hunters so stop killing the turtles.


Sea turtles eat many things like seagrass. Another thing on their diet is algae which is a food source that most sea creatures eat. Sponges are another thing they eat. Unfortunately sometimes plastic bags are mistaken for sponges by sea turtles and sadly when they eat one it cuts their life expediencies in half. 


Sea turtles' shells are their best protection from other dangerous sea creatures. This is mostly because the shell is hard to break and what kind of sea carnivore would want to break through a shell just to eat? The shell may be a good thing for protection when it's sea creatures they are getting attacked by but not when it's humans. Humans hunt them for their shells so it's actually the opposite of protecting them.


Turtles are a water testudine with a tough shell that protects them. Sadly they still need rescuing from us, as people hunt and kill sea turtles so save the turtles!!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Lemon sugar scrub soap (edible) - Reading

 Yesterday for reading we made lemon sugar scrub which was from a recipe from a book. When we made it we got into three groups, two groups of four and one group of three. I was with: Tyler, Cole & Lennox. We first zested the lemons (optional) then Cole squeezed the lemon juice into a bowl well me and Lennox measured the sugar while Tyler zested the other lemons. Then Lennox and me poured the vegetable oil into the bowl with the sugar. Then finally we put the lemon juice into the bowl and took turns mixing it together.

Here's a picture!:

Monday, October 12, 2020

Ki O Rahi - P.E

Today for P.E (kinda P.E) we did Ki O Rahi, Which is a complicated game in which you have to be on a team, (I forgot what they are called) and you have to navigate your way around a big pitch which has marked areas and try to wither hit the bucket with a ball that touched up to 7 poles or score a try running through the other teams zone the ball can touch up to 7 poles.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Calendar Art - Kandinsky Circles

 For calendar art this term I chose Kandinsky circles. We were doing silhouettes on our paintings, I chose a cactus for my silhouette. Kandinsky circles we need a piece of paper and we paint circles and it would be good if you had a faint line so you can tell what size the circles will be otherwise they might too big or too small. I finished mine yesterday, but I am blogging it today.

Here it is:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Term 3 technology - Food (muesli bars)

Term 3 Technology - Food!

For Technology in the food group we have been making a big project to do with muesli bars. During this project we got into groups of 3, which was me Tyler.Re and Logan. We made up a name Crate but in the end we changed it to triple J because yeah crate wouldn't really work. Triple J was a good name but our food we only even made our food yesterday afternoon. Our recipe contained Peanut butter, chocolate (drizzled on top), strawberry's, coconuts & oats.

Triple J!! 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Plastic straws alternatives research - Reading debates

For the past week for reading we have been doing plastic straw alternatives, some other types apart from plastic are metal and paper. I did these 4 straws: Metal, silicone, bamboo & paper.

Here it is

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Riders Describe A Moment In Time - Writing

This week for writing we have been doing a describe a moment in time (i have done one before). This one was about some people riding in a canoe through a swamp, I titled mine The Riders because they are riding in the canoes. We had to plan the story and then we had to write a hook, once we had finished that we had to write three body paragraphs, when we had finished that as well as our hook we wrote our conclusions. After this long process we self-checked, partner-checked & teacher checked. Then we went on to write a blog post like this one.

Here it is

Ripple, ripple goes the water as the canoe glides through it. Some of the riders are paddling and some have their hands dangling in the water. Light comes through an opening in the canopy of trees allowing the riders to see their reflections in the depths of the water.

The riders paddle their canoes down the deep brown murky river. Some light is visible through the trees and it helps the riders to navigate. Plants are floating on the surface of the water, and trees are going off in all different directions of a small island. One canoe drifts off into the distance and the other canoe speeds up to keep it in view. The trees are blocking most of the light up ahead and soon there is barely any at all, but the canoeist carry on like it's perfectly bright even though it's not.

The water splashes as some of the people put their hands into the water. The water is rippling as the canoes glide down the swamp. Birds are tweeting and singing and frogs are croaking at the riders as they glide through the murky water. The riders are silent even though everything around them is making sounds including the water and creatures around them. Leaves on the trees rustle making it seem like there is something shaking them, although there is nothing but the wind. 

The people dip their hands into the water and they can feel the water splashing onto their arms. As some of the people paddle they can feel the current pushing against them. The riders can feel the smooth wood of the canoe when they touch it. As the canoe slowly drifts past the plants the riders outstretch their hands to touch them. The riders canoes speed through the swamp and when the riders stretch their hands out they can touch trees, plants and even dirt from the island. 

The riders finally hear the soft clunk of the canoe hitting the island. The riders reach their final destination completing their voyage. They feel happy. They feel complete.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Metaphors - Writing mini lesson

 Today for writing we were doing a mini lesson about metaphors. Metaphors are similar to similes (previous mini lesson) Metaphors don't use like or as but the compare something. First we had to type in the meaning of some given metaphors then we had to make up our own similes for some pictures.

Here it is

Monday, September 14, 2020

maori greetings and feelings - Te Reo Maori

Today for Te reo maori we made a video with a Maori greeting, feeling, & a farewell. I was away during the first one so I did one today with Kaisa, We had to greet each other ask each other how were feeling and farewell on the video.

Here it is

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Similes - writing mini lesson

Today for our writing mini lesson we were doing similes. We were to go on a document and put a simile into a sentence similes always use like or as but if as is at the start but not in the middle its not a proper simile its a regular sentence.
Example: The bullet streaked through the air as if it were lightning.

Here it is:

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

WONDERous portrait - Reading

Lately for reading we have been reading wonder which is a book and a movie, its about a kid who looks different to other people and gets teased about it. on this website we were able to design a portrait and we had to choose our face ears accessories etc.

Here it is

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Show dont tell - Writing

Today for our mini lesson we had to get a bunch of photos and describe the pictures emotion with out mentioning it in the sentence. There were 5 and the emotions were Annoyed, bored, shy, surprised & happy.

Here it is

Friday, August 28, 2020

Becoming a Cartoon! - Digital citizenship

For the past few weeks we have been transforming our faces into cartoons!! This requires colourpick eyedropper and a video that I will put below. First we had to get the extension and watch a video that explained how to turn your face into a cartoon, once you had done that we had to make sure we couldn't see any white but I didn't do to well on that...

Here it is+video

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Drones deserve a position in our future (to persuade) - Writing

For writing recently we have been writing persuasive text to persuade someone to agree with me, and mine is that drones deserve a position in our future. While writing this text I learnt that debates and persuasive text go together because in debates you argue about something and then you have to both go away and make up reasons to decide which one is better.

Here it is:

Drones Deserve A Place In Our Future

Do you think drones have a place in our future? 

Because I strongly believe that drones deserve a position in our future. They have a hawk's eye view of the sky, they could make traffic better, they could be used to clear car pollution and could be used for safety rescue teams.

Firstly, I believe drones could clear up traffic because they could be used to deliver deliveries like for example companies could make drone deliveries. I also believe this because someday drones might be able to hold people and this could mean that there will be less people using cars and less traffic for those who still do. I strongly believe that drones will make traffic better by taking care of deliveries and that will mean less courier vans, less cars and less traffic. In fact drones might even be used to make flying cars because they can fly and might be able to hold someone someday.

Secondly, drones could help police and rescue teams by helping police search around unreachable areas. Rescue teams could be helped by drones because they would help find lost people because they are smaller and able to fit in tighter spaces. In fact rescue teams could even use them instead of helicopters for a sky view of the target. Police could also use them to follow criminals or track people, this could lead to helping many lost or hurt people. Do you now think that drones could help rescue teams and police?

Finally, drones could reduce car pollution. As mentioned earlier drones could clear up traffic and less cars means less pollution from cars. Cars also give greenhouse gases which could make global warming even worse. Car pollution is also bad for the environment and people are testing electric cars but what if we used drones? Drones could even be the thing that could stop global warming. Also drones might even be used to make flying scooters or bikes.

In conclusion, drones could help a lot of people ranging from police to people who hate traffic, drones also could clear up car pollution as they could replace cars. Drones deserve a place in our future because they will help a lot of people. So do you now think drones have a place in our future?

Monday, August 10, 2020

The evolution of scooters - writing to inform

This week for writing we have been writing to inform the reader e.g give them info about the topic like did you know that scooters were invented by kids? Have you ever done writing like this before? because we have done stuff like this in the past.

Here it is

The Evolution Of Scooters


Have you ever wondered what scooters used to be like?

Well Scooters have changed a lot since they were first invented. Did you know the first scooter was invented by kids? Scooters have gone from wooden frames with roller skates for wheels to electric scooters controlled by your phone. You may have seen a lava, beam, lime or flamingo scooter on the footpath, these are electric scooters placed by people, so others can get to places without walking.


Scooters have changed a lot over the years especially in appearance, scooters have changed colours textures and even wheels. Designs have changed too like how if you get a normal scooter one that you control by yourself (not electric) and compare it to a lime scooter (an electric scooter) the setup will look very different like a lime scooter is wider and bigger and won't fall over while riding, where a normal scooter will be smaller. Have you ever seen 2 scooters of different colours right next to each other, well if you haven’t often schools or parks will have a few scooters there. Scooters will feel different sometimes because of their textures, a texture is how something feels like something might be scratchy or smooth that would be a texture and a scooters handlebars or stand that you put your feet on might be textured. Scooters have changed multiple times, but it is possible many more changes in appearances are coming.


Scooters have changed in types over the years. Scooters started out with scooters you probably will have seen which is a kick scooter, the scooter you propel by pushing your foot on the ground. A scooter you might have seen is an electric scooter that includes lime, beam, lava & flamingo scooters. These are scooters controlled by devices and the 4 electric scooters mentioned above are controlled by an app on your phone. You also may have heard of a moped a sort of motorbike like scooter it's a type of scooter used on roads because of its similarities to a motorbike.


Scooters have a long line of history because they were invented in 1817. Most people own kick scooters because electric scooters are expensive. Electric scooters often found on a sidewalk have been around for quite a while too. Scooters are also used for racing even though they aren’t as fast as motorbike or cars they are still used for racing. Scooters are now for not only kids nowaday as well, this means adults use them as well.


Scooters are an often human powered vehicle used to make getting from place to place easier, do you use a scooter to get from place to place faster?

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Blog Profile

Venn diagram Friendship!! - Health

Hey readers,
Today for health we did a Venn Diagram of what we had in common with another person. I found it harder to find differences but me and Treyvon managed to find similarities very easily, like we both liked reading books, we both like gaming & we both like to do math. I found this activity really fun because i got to learn what i had in common with someone else. Have you ever done something like this? comment to tell me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

pancake proportions - math

For math we made pancake proportions and ratios where we were given a recipe to make 6 pancakes and then we had to list the ingredients we would use to make 3 pancakes so we had to half 6, and the next one was tom make 12 pancakes so we had to double the recipe for 6, and the last one was 30 pancakes 5x6=30 so we had to time the recipe by 5. we got all of them correct (we think)

Here is a photo

Monday, June 15, 2020

Matariki free verse poem - Writing

Today we finished our matariki free verse poems, a free verse poem is where the poem does not have to rhyme and it can have many verses about the topic chosen to work on e.g matariki.
We had to do ours on matariki themed stuff like the Pleiades or gatherings mine is about Matariki in general.
Here is mine


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Matariki stars - Reading

This week for reading we got a sheet with a Matariki star with its name and a description of it so we had to draw the description we were given i was given the star waipunaarangi (Electra) here is a basic description of waipunaarangi: Waipunarangi is connected to rain, and translates as ‘water that pools in the sky’.  In fact, Tāpuapua means “lying in pools” and
the rainy season is known to Maori as Te Matariki Tapuapua.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Keeping it in balance - inquiry & health

Today for health we did keeping it in balance.
We had to use a pie chart (from google sheets) and answer a few questions about our balance e.g Do i have a good balance in my life?
To keep this in balance we need to keep a check on:
  • What we eat
  • How much exercise we get 
  • how we keep our brain active
  • how we relate to our family and friends
  • how we spend time alone
I have a pretty good balance what about you?
Here it is

Friday, May 29, 2020

Hub assembly! - Raupo assembly

Today we had a hub assembly in Punui-O-toka. 
There was  a few different prizes they were Librarian badges for librarians, wristbands for reaching 50 tickets, certificates for people who did well in lockdown for our online meets & there was 3 hero certificates. Since there is moist breath zone we couldn't do singing like usual (because people would breath on eachother).
(no photos)

Friday, May 15, 2020

Harry potter follow up activities - Reading

Today for Reading we did harry potter follow up activities, one of the activities was Tower of terror where i build up conflicts starting with not bad ones and the higher it gets the worse it gets.
I found the You vs Character activity the hardest & The potter personification the easiest
Here it is

Distance writing book - Writing

This week for writing we have been doing a Distance Writing Book that is why i haven't done any other writing blogs this week. I found the six sentence story the hardest thing because you had to fit a story into six sentences, and i found the list 10 things you can see out your window really easy.
Some of the activities were write a bubble profile for the people that are in your bubble, create a list of things you did in your bubble A-Z & favourite recipe where we copy our favourite recipe or one that you have done during lockdown or you want to do during lockdown e.g cupcakes.
Here it is

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

PIC-LITS - whats this Wednesday

Today for Whats this Wednesday, we used a website called PIC-LITS and then on this website we choose a picture, after we have chosen we drag some words from the bottom of the page.
I chose this big Grey ball with loads of lines spiraling around it
Here it is

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Chapter 17 2nd half The Man With Two Faces - Reading

Today for reading we did our final quiz for chapter 17 The Man With Two Faces. This one had more similar questions to the last 16 quizzes.
And i even did a harry potter name generator i'm evil in harry potter by the looks of things
Here they are

Kea hea? Where? - te reo tuesday

Today for Te Reo Tuesday we did another activity themed on Roto Waho Runga Raro but with 2 new ones there as well the are Muri and Mua
Here it is

Monday, May 11, 2020

Harry Potter chapter 17 The Man With Two Faces 1st half - Reading

Today we read the first half of harry potter chapter 17 The Man With Two Faces After that we did a padlet where we had to write our favourite part of the chapter we had read so far, After we had finished that we clicked on a link and it took us to a website that had a harry word find where we had to find 10 words themed on harry potter. Then we got to get sorted into a house at hogwarts i got ravenclaw.
Here is my work

Tanagrams - Make something Monday

Today for make something Monday we had to use tangrams to make something today we had to make one of the examples and then something else (not an example).
Here it is

Friday, May 8, 2020

Daily basic facts - Prototec

Every morning i do my basic facts on Prototec and then i put them in a slide i started on stage 6 but then moved onto stage 7 and im getting better and better every time.
Here is today's one
And here is the rest of them

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Chapter 15 The Forbidden Forest - Reading

Today for reading we did another quiz (harry potter) and it was themed on chapter 15!!
no big surprise there as the last one was chapter 14.
Here it is

Quality blog posts - Writing

Today we did an activity where we had a slide and it had 5 different blogs on it then we went on to each one and then once we had read it watched video etc we used a traffic light system to rate different things the blog had didn't have almost had using green, yellow & red. and on the last slide we could go on a blog we liked and rate that one, put a picture on the slide & link that picture to The blog.

Here it is

Truth or Lie Pixton - Writing

Today for Writing we did our 3rd Pixton comic this time themed on truth or lie? (is that a Truth or Lie?)
I think this is my best comic yet because i know what most of the functions do actions expressions etc
Here is a link to Pixton 
This is a list of things we need to include in our comics
-Must have at least 2 characters
-There must be dialogue (conversation)
-Use speech marks for dialogue
-Keep the theme linked to prehistoric time
-You must have between 4-8 panels
-Use capital letters and full stop, exclamation marks etc
-Use different panels, expressions and actions

Here it is

Dinosaurs Pixton - Writing

Today for Writing we did another pixton but not the same theme (bucket list) It is Dinosaurs!!
Here is what we had to have in our comic
-Must have at least 2 characters
-There must be dialogue (conversation)
-Use speech marks for dialogue
-Keep the theme linked to prehistoric time
-You must have between 5-10 panels
-Use capital letters and full stop, exclamation marks etc
-Use different panels, expressions and actions

Here it is!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Calendars - Math

Today for Math we had to do a slide filled with questions about calendars
Here it is

Chapter 14 Norbet the Norwegian Ridgeback

Today we did another harry potter quiz (Said this before about 12 times)
Here it is

My bucket List - Writing

Today for writing i used a comic maker called pixton and we did it on our bucket list, a bucket list is a list of stuff you ant to do in your life like go to Antarctica or eat black ice-cream. I wanted to be a millionaire, so i added three characters and it turned out pretty good. We had to have at least three scenes and six max.
Here it is

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Chapter 13 Nicholas Flamel

Today we did another quiz (running out of stuff to type) There were truth and false what did harry overhear Quirrell and snape saying after the Quiddich match.
Here it is

Kei Hea? Where - Te Reo Tuesday!

Today For Te Reo Tuesday we learnt about under above outside inside and then we had to drag a book to where the sentence said e.g Kei roto te pukapuka i te pouaka the book is inside the box.
Here it is

Monday, May 4, 2020

chapter 12 the mirror of Erised - reading

Today we did another quiz (sigh) and this one was pretty similar to the other ones, truth or false, what is harry thinking about. It had some hard and some easy questions (there is only 5 more of these to go) sorry about not writing much its because I've already said most of it before
Here it is

pixel pictures - Make something monday

Today for make something Monday we were looking at perimeters and we had to make a pizel picture using Area Perimeter Explorer we had to make it simple but mine isn't that simple. Perimeters are the outside of something and the area is just the inside
Here it is

What is the perimeter of the sun? Leave a comment
to tell me your guess :D

Elapsed time - math

Today for maths i did elapsed time on maths and there were some things that i didn't understand e.g
someone got on the bus at 00:00 and got off at 00:00 so how long did it take for them to get to their stop, but i found start at this time and end at this time how long has passed pretty easy.
Here it is

Friday, May 1, 2020

Harry potter chapter 11 Quidditch - reading

Today we did another harry potter quiz thing and in this one it had questions like harry ron and hermione have suspicions of Snape why? and what clues do they have?
and i am starting to run out of stuff to say soon i might start saying the exact same sentences over and over again
Here it is

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Truth?

today i made another quiz hope you like it, it is about truths and lies

Why do leaves change colour? - Think about it Thursay

Today for Think about it Thursday we looked at why do leaves change colour? well we watched a few videos and then we had to add what we think about leaves changing colour.
Here is mine

Measuring Time - Math

Today for maths we did measuring time e.g Pm & Am. i found the finding out which one it was pretty easy, but i found it hard to figure out how many weeks in a year.
Here it is

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The midnight duel harry potter chapter 9 - reading

Today for reading we did another comprehension sheet and this one i'm pretty sure i got everything correct (The reason i don't really write much for these is because i explained it in all my other ones).
Here it is

Animaker making a character - whats this? Wednsday

Today we did whats this Wednesday and we had to make a character that looks like us using a website called Animaker where you can also make animations i found choosing the different looks difficult because it might look good and might look bad either one and i found it really easy understanding what it means.
Here it is

Friday, April 24, 2020

Harry potter chapter 8 the potions master - Reading

Today for reading we did another sorta quiz thing and it had some hard quesions e.g at the end of the chapter what could harry be thinking.
Here it is again

Digital time - math

Today For Math we did an activity on a slide where there is three tasks one of them was what time do these analog clocks say?
The one i found the most difficult would have to be when we matched digital times to other forms of time as in analog, and the one i found most easy was what time do these digital clocks say?
Plus there were six games to play when we were done
Here it is

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Harry potter chapter 7 the sorting hat - reading

Today for reading we did a sort of test where we have to answer questions about the chapter that we read on that day and it had some pretty good questions if you think that i got any of the questions wrong put it in a comment.
Here it is

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

5 Minute intervals - Math

Today for math we made a copy of a slide that had 15 clocks and they each had a time on them and we had to answer them e.g quarter to|past 3.
I found the quarter to _ a bit harder than quarter past _.
Here it is

Monday, April 20, 2020

Harry Potter comprehension sheet - Reading

Today at reading time we did a comprehension sheet with questions about harry potter and the philosophers stone chapter 4 The keeper of the keys, the questions were themed around harry potter obviously Some of them i wasn't to sure about.
Here it is

Telling the time - Math

Today for maths i had to go on something called teaching clock and we made a copy of a slide and then we had to look at the time it said, and then we put that time on teaching clock and took a screenshot and inserted it onto the slides i found the 5 pasts hard because it was such a small difference between 12:05 and 12:00, i found the half pasts easy because you just have to point the minute hand at 6 and the other hand in the middle of the other number e.g 12
Here it is

Friday, April 17, 2020

Harry Potter my own game

Today i made a game on google forms where you get to choose out of three options, it is themed on what spell is that from harry potter there is a description of the spell and you choose one of the three options. It won't tell you how many you got correct, so if you play please leave a comment  to tell me and i will comment back saying how many you got out of 10. If you love harry Potter this will be easy for you.
Here is the link, Hope you like it!

Anzac Day audio book - inquiry

Today for inquiry i listened to an audio book called the dawn parade you might of heard this story before, the website also allows you to read the text version not just the audio book version
Here is the link

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Times half past quarter past quarter to O'Clock- Math

Today I did an activity, in this activity we had to write the times that the Analog clocks showed and even put hands onto a clock to make the time that was written above it.
Here It is

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Daily basic facts - Home learning

In the last week i have been doing basic facts every day on stage 6 so far i have done four days. I am getting better every time, i have been doing it on prototec and i have completed the goal i had of getting them all correct, and my next goal is to complete it in under 4m
Here is what i have done so far.

Friday, March 27, 2020

daily challenge day 1 - home learning

yesterday for home learning i did the daily challenge number 1 it had a table with questions in it and I had to answer them there was some i didn't know so i searched them up online. They were really interesting facts like, which dessert was named after a famous Russain ballerina.
Here is my work
(please leave a comment i will reply)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

What i look for in a friend- inquiry

This week for inquiry we have been making a friendship chain which has what we look for in a friend. so we had to get a strip of paper then write one thing we want in a friend i did trustworthy and my second one was nice and after that we had to colour it in. Once we had make the friendship chain i don't actually know what we are going to do with it yet i'll update this blog post when i find out.
I do not have a picture of the friendship chain.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Building our self-esteem

Last week in punui-o-toka we did an activity to help us build our self-esteem. Self-esteem is about yourself like i am confident or other things about your self, i did kind, curious, creative, busy, confident & patient. here is my work.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Story Web

This week for reading we had to do a story web about a book called friday night out which we read with the teacher. a story web is where you write down the setting, characters and other things. I did mine on a story called friday night out. Here is mine

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Number of the week!!!

this week our number of the week was 35,926 or 5,369 i chose the bigger option, we had to round to the nearest ten, thousand and ten thousands. There was also x & ÷ 100 and 1000

Friday, March 6, 2020

My writing recount-Halswell quarry

Today i finished my recount about how last Friday we went to Halswell quarry for an orienteering trip here is my recount of the story

Have you been to Haswell quarry? Because last week on friday we went to haswell for an orienteering trip. The adult in my group was 
Miss Mclelland.

I felt excited to try and find all of the posts as we walked away from the start of the orienteering course. We walked towards the first post to see what it had on it, it said EH on it so we wrote it on the sheet and then looked at the map to see which way to go, i was curious how hard the rest of it might be. I said to the rest of our group “look there is the next one”, it said SJ on it. It was a hot Friday and I was drained of energy and we were only up to the 13th post. I said “Can I see the map?” “Yes,” replied Miss Mclelland.

Once we were done with the first course we had morning tea.I had a pack of chips and a bar to eat. Once we had finished our morning tea we got ready to do the second course which Miss Jones was taking us not Miss Mclelland. We started walking towards the first post when we found that it had the letters XD, after that we looked at the map and kept on moving.

We had to stop for a drinking fountain a few times because people were thirsty from all the walking we had done. I thought to myself lucky I brought my drink bottle. We stopped for a rest after a while of walking. I said “Miss Mcleod's group are so far ahead of us we probably won’t be able to get back before they do ''. When we finish the second course we sit down to eat our lunches that we brought to the quarry. I ate two sandwiches and two mint chocolate biscuits. I said “this course is so hard as we start the third and final course.

25 minutes later we finish the course, i feel tired and defeated us we finish but at least it is over, i wish i bought a bigger lunch to give me more energy.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

My daily brain teaser-math

Today for maths i did my daily brain teaser mine is using only 5 different numbers they are 123348

Here is my brain teaser

Comment so i can see what you think the answer is?

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Today for maths we got data from a group (a class) then we had to make a type of graph i did a bar graph. Then we had to write three statements about our graph mine were.
The most popular animal in Punui-o-toka is Dog, The least popular animal in Punui-o-toka is Horse & Chicken, Cat & Bunny have the same amount of votes. After that we had to put our data in to a google spreadsheet and add a graph here is mine

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Week 4 day 5 activity 3 concluding the journey

For today's activity i had to explain what my favourite activity and other stuff was.

  1. My favourite activity was rags and riches where i had to make my own book cover for my favourite book.
  2. My least favourite activity was rights and wrongs where i had to use math to tell how many years until i am 25.
  3. 3 things i learnt about are perishable foods, Amelia Earhart & Jean batten.
  4. I don't want to actually change anything.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Week 4 day 3 activity 1

Today's activity I had to talk about my future plans for when I leave college. What i want to be when I'm older is a Lego set maker because i love playing with Lego and making up new sets would be so much fun. Here is a photo of the knight bus from harry potter hi

Monday, January 6, 2020

week 4 day 2 activity 4

Today i had to list my top 5 songs and who sings them.

Here are mine:

  1. Sunny by Papa ya
  2. No one compares to you by Jack & Jack
  3. Big plans by Why don't we
  4. The man by Taylor Swift
  5. Miss Americana and the heartbreak prince by Taylor Swift

Day 1 week 4 activity 1 Rags and Riches

today i had to make a book cover for my favourite book. My favourite book is Foxcraft the taken, i made mine on google drawings.

Here is mine:

Saturday, January 4, 2020

week 3 day 5 activity 2 Caines arcade

Today i had to write about my favourite game, any type. My favourite game is Pandemic, its a board game that has infections. Where you have to stop infections taking over the world, there is 4 types of diseases and you also have a role which give you a special ability. My favourite part of Pandemic is that you work together with other players.

Here is a photo.